

文章来源:网友投稿 时间:2022-06-28 20:00:02




 高考英语教学拓展 :外刊精读-- 神舟十三号载人飞船发射取得圆满成功

 北京时间 10 月 16 日 00 时 23 分,搭载神舟十三号载人飞船的长征二号 F 遥十三运载火箭,在酒泉卫星发射中心点火升空。

 神舟十三号载人飞船与火箭成功分离,顺利将翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富 3 名航天员送入太空,飞行乘组状态良好,发射取得圆满成功。

 时长 02:16 镌刻十八载春秋,从神舟五号到神舟十三号,载人航天工程从“第一步”迈向“第三步”,从一人飞行到三人乘组,从首次载人一天飞行到空间站阶段航天员首次开展 6 个月在轨驻留,问天征途上,每一步创新和突破的背后都离不开代代中国航天人的艰苦奋斗,更成为了一个国家和人民共同的回忆。


 鹰击长空,驰骋苍穹, 山河相送, 万马凯旋!



 新人教必修三 Unit 4 Space Exploration, 新外研选择性必修四 Unit 6 Space and Beyond, 新北师选择性必修四 Unit 12 Innovation。

 SPACE China launches Shenzhou 13 astronauts on historic mission

 to new space station 中国神舟十三号宇航员升空,前往新空间站执行历史性任务 China’s second crewed mission to its new space station is underway. 中国向新空间站的第二次载人任务正在进行中。

 crew v [名词动化] 当……的工作人员

 underway adj 在进行中的 (under + way)

 The nation’s Shenzhou 13 spacecraft was

 launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert today (Oct. 15), rising off the pad (发射台) atop (在……顶上) a Long March 2F rocket at 12: 23 p.m. EDT (1623 GMT; 00:23 Oct. 16 local time). 美国东部时间下午 12:23 分(格林威治时间 16:23;中国当地时间 10 月 16 日 00:23)中国神舟十三号宇宙飞船从位于戈壁沙漠酒泉卫星发射中心的长征二号 F 火箭发射台发射升空。

 spacecraft n 宇宙飞船;航天飞行器 (space + craft)

  launch v 发射 Shenzhou 13 and its three passengers — commander (指挥官) Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu — are headed toward Tianhe, the core module (舱) of the Tiangong space station that China is building in low Earth orbit. 神舟十三号和其三名乘客——指挥官翟志刚、王亚平和叶光富——正朝着天和前进,天和是中国正在低地球轨道上建造的天宫空间站的核心舱。

 head v [名词动化] (朝……)前进 After reaching orbit, Zhai reported the crew was doing fine and all systems were nominal (运行正常的). 到达轨道后,翟报告说机组人员一切正常,所有系统运行正常。

 If all goes according to plan, Shenzhou 13 will meet up with Tianhe tonight, about eight hours after launch. 如果一切按计划进行,大约在发射后八小时,神舟十三号将于今晚与天和交会对接。

 go according to plan 按计划进行 meet up with 与……会合 Tianhe has only been aloft (在高空中) since April, but the module has already hosted one crewed visit — Shenzhou 12, which was launched in June and returned to Earth last month. The three-month mission was China’s longest-duration human spaceflight to date, but Shenzhou 13 will wreck (破坏) that record, racking up six months aboard Tianhe (“Harmony of

 the Heavens”). 天和号自今年 4 月才升空,但该舱已经接待了一次载人访问——神舟十二号。神舟十二号于 6 月发射,上月返回地球。为期三个月的任务是中国迄今为止持续时间最长的载人航天飞行,但神舟十三号将打破这一纪录,在天和号上停靠六个月。

 host v [名词动化] 招待 longest-duration adj 持续时间最长的 to date 迄今为止;到目前为止 rack up 累积;累计

 Shenzhou 13 will break new ground in another way as well: Wang will become the first woman to live aboard the core module. (The Shenzhou 12 crewmembers were all men.) 神舟十三号同时还有另一项突破:王将成为首位居住在核心舱上的女性。(神舟 12 号机组成员都是男性。)

 break new ground 有所发现;开拓创新 This is the second spaceflight for the 41-year-old Wang. She also flew on Shenzhou 10, which visited China’s Tiangong 1 prototype (雏形;原型) space lab for two weeks in 2013. 这是 41 岁的王亚平的第二次太空飞行。她还在 2013 年执行了神舟十号任务,在天宫一号原型空间实验室驻留了 2 周。

 Zhai, 55, is also a spaceflight veteran (经验丰富的人), having served on the Shenzhou 7 mission in 2008. During that three-day flight, he conducted China’s first-ever spacewalk. 翟志刚,55 岁,也是一名航天老将,曾在 2008 年执行神舟七号任务。在那次为期三天的飞行中,他完成了中国有史以来的首次太空行走。

 serve v (为……)工作 conduct v [学术词] 进行;执行 first-ever adj 首次的(first + ever)

 spacewalk n 太空行走(space + walk)

 Shenzhou 13 is the first spaceflight for Ye, who is 41. 对于 41 岁的叶光富来说,神舟十三号是其第一次太空飞行。

 Zhai, Wang and Ye will be busy during their six months in orbit. They’ll spend a lot of time testing and validating (证实;确认) technologies that will allow China to finish construction of the new space station, which is called Tiangong (“Heavenly Palace”). That station will consist of three modules; the other two are expected to launch toward the 54-foot-long (16.6 meters) Tianhe next year. 翟、王和叶在轨道上的六个月内将会很忙。他们将花费大量时间对帮助中国完成新空间站——天宫站建设的技术进行测试和验证。该空间站将由三个模块组成;另外两个预计将于明年向 54 英尺长(16.6 米)的天和发射。

 in orbit 进入轨道 construction n [学术词] 建造;施工(con 共同 + struct 建立 + -ion 名词后缀)

 heavenly adj [只用于名词前] 天国的;天堂的;美好的(heaven + -ly)

 consist of 由……组成;由……构成 expect ... to do sth 预计……会做某事 For example, the Shenzhou 13 crew will move the robotic Tianzhou 2 cargo (货物) spacecraft from one Tianhe docking port (对接口) to another using the module’s robotic arm, Chinese officials said. Tianzhou 2 arrived at Tianhe in May, delivering supplies for the Shenzhou 12 crew. 例如,中国官员称,神舟十三号机组人员将使用该模块的机械臂把天舟二号货运飞船从一个天和对接港移动到另一个天和对接港。天舟二号于 5 月抵达天和,为神舟十二号机组人员运送物资。

 robotic adj 自动的;机械的;机器人的 (robot + -ic)

 deliver supplies 运送物资 Zhai, Wang and Ye will also conduct a variety of experiments onboard Tianhe, including work designed to advance space medicine and scientists’ understanding of microgravity (微重力) physics. And researchers on the ground will keep close tabs on the trio’s (三人小组的) health, to learn more about how long-duration spaceflight affects people mentally and physically. The crew will also conduct two or three spacewalks during the Shenzhou 13 mission, Chinese space officials said.


 conduct an experiment 进行实验 a variety of 各种各样的 onboard adj 在船(或飞机、车)上的(on + board)

 be designed to do sth 为做某事专门设计的 advance v (使)进展;(使)进步 keep close tabs on 密切注视;监视 A total of 11 launches are needed to build Tiangong, which will end up being about 20% as massive as the International Space Station. With Shenzhou 13 now aloft, five of those launches are in the books. 建造天宫站总共需要 11 次发射,最终天宫的体积将是国际空间站体积的 20%。神舟十三号现在已经升空,其中的五次发射已经载入史册。

 launch n 发射 end up doing sth 最终处于……;最终成为…… massive adj 巨大的;大规模的(mass + -ive)

 Two of the remaining launches will be crewed missions (Shenzhou 14 and Shenzhou 15), two will send Tianzhou cargo craft up, and two will loft (向高处掷) the other Tiangong modules, which are called Mengtian and Wentian. 在余下的发射任务中,将有两次载人飞行任务(神舟十四号和神舟十五号),两次发射天舟货运飞船的任务,以及两次发射天宫其他模块(被称为梦天和问天实验舱)的任务。

 remaining adj [只用于名词前] 剩下的 send up 发出;射出 And, in case you were wondering: Tianzhou and Shenzhou translate as “Heavenly Vessel (大船)” and “Divine (神的) Vessel,” respectively. Mengtian and Wentian mean “Dreaming of the Heavens” and “Quest for the Heavens,” respectively.


 in case 假使;以防(万一)

 respectively adv 各自地(respective + -ly)

 quest for 对……的探索 / 追求 一箭升空,光耀四方!神舟十二号穿云破日,神舟十三号伴月上天!中国航天,牛!

推荐访问:高考英语教学拓展 :外刊精读-- 神舟十三号载人飞船发射取得圆满成功 神舟 高考 精读

